Join us for a fun educational opportunity for children aged 6 through 12 every month, right here at the Hutchinson Art Center!
Children will meet at the Hutchinson Art Center on Saturday, February 15th. Students will be divided into two groups: Group A (1:00 to 2:30 PM) and Group B (3:00 to 4:30 PM), with each group covering different skills. Each group art class costs $8 per child.
The theme for the class project is Exquisite Corpse Collaboration!
An "exquisite corpse" is a collaborative art piece where participants take turns contributing to the drawing without seeing what the others have contributed. The resulting artwork can be strange, funny, and surprising!
Groups A and B will be collaborating with one another to create surreal creatures in a Exquisite Corpse project. Children will fold a paper into 4 sections. Each student will draw with a pencil the head of their creature in the top section and then everyone will pass their paper to another artist in the room to do the next section. We will repeat this process until all sections are drawn down to the feet of the creature. Students will look at Surrealist art for inspiration. The "exquisite corpse" or pencil drawn creature will be passed back to the original artist who will then color the picture and add a background using their drawing medium of choice (colored pencils, markers, crayons or graphite pencil).
Learn more about these classes and register your child HERE.
** Hurry! Classes are limited to 15 students each and registration closes on Friday, March 21st at 4:30 PM **