In a time of Covid when friends and family are social distancing and events are canceled art is very important to me. The creating of a piece well made is exhilarating but I am also a collector of other artists filling all available wall space.
My work is known for its loose and painterly feel. Years ago I abandoned the pencil instead using a brush and a wash of Transparent Red Oxide to create a tonal drawing to establish lights and darks. This also takes the place of a thumb nail drawing and can be wiped off if it doesn’t work. Achieving a sense of energy and feeling is more important to me than recreating a photo image. I use color to create edges and depth in my work.
My favorite medium is oil and my favorite subjects are the animal kingdom, wild and domestic.I am a signature member of the Society of Animal Artists. I also do the miniature shows around the US and have won many awards.
Longhorns in the Thicket by Jean Cook